It takes only 20 minuter return for this small walk, it start at the pick nick area in Milford right beside the public car park, a well rewarding walk.
All posts by Frank Widmer
Milford Sound Discovery Centre
The only under water observatory in Milford Sound is located in Harrison Cove. It is worth to stop for a short visit, and take look into the under water world. You can experience the wild life and see real black coral. to book at Southern Discoveries
Milford Sound The Fiord
Milford Sound was initially overlooked by European explorers, because its narrow entry did not appear to lead into such large interior bays. Sailing ship captains such as James Cook, who bypassed Milford Sound on his journeys for just this reason, also feared venturing too close to the steep mountainsides, afraid that wind conditions would prevent escape (this refers to Doubtful Sound, so named as Cook thought it doubtful he would escape if he sailed in)
The fjord was a playground for local Maori who had acquired a large amount of local marine knowledge including tidal patterns and fish feeding patterns over generations prior to European arrival. The fjord remained undiscovered by Europeans until a sealer by the name of Captain John Grono discovered it in around 1812 and named it Milford Haven after his homeland in Wales. Captain John Stokes later renamed Milford Haven as Milford Sound.
While Fiordland as such remained one of the least-explored areas of New Zealand up to the 20th century, Milford Sound’s natural beauty soon attracted national and international renown, and led to the discovery of the MacKinnon Pass in 1888, soon to become a part of the new Milford Track an early walking tourism trail. In the same year, the low watershed saddle between the Holliford River and the Cleddau River was discovered, where the Homer Tunnel was to be developed about sixty years later to provide road access.
Milford Sound Sun Set
In Milford you can see and experience the most amazing sun set’s
A Shagg dos not have a wax layer on the feeder, after a dive he has to dry his feader in the sun or in the wind.
Fur Seal
Young Fure Seal growing up in Milford Sound until they are big enough to return to the maincolonie and challenge the older seals.
Bottle Nose Dolphin
Bottle Nosed Dolphins are a common visitor to Milford Sound, and can be seen from our tour operator, don’t be disappointed if there are no dolphins are around if you do the cruise, they are wild animals and they are usually not on our pay roll.
Paradise Duck
The Paradise Duck live with the partner for the whole live.