Tag Archives: gertrude saddle

Gertrude Saddle

Gertrude Saddle hike is the only day hike in Fiordland, which offers at the ridge free few to Milford Sound and the Tasman Sea. The track start to the right of the Homer Hut, a green post indicates the entrance into the Valley. There is a beaten track to the end of the valley, close to the end of the valley are stone markers visible, usually they are placed on top of boulders and always visible. The last 1.5 km’s are taking much more time than expected, it get very steep and the track leeds over exposed sections, the last 200m before you get to Black Lake you have to walk over a blank rock which could be a bit slippery after rain, extra caution required at this part. At Black Lake keep to the right once more walk up the granite slope this time there is a steal rope attached to hold on. From here the saddle is already visible and not to far away, keep orientation on the stone marker to get up to the Saddle. On top of the Saddle are 2 spots to pitch up the tent if you like to spend over night, I really enjoy camping up there awesome night sky and beautiful sun sets could be seen from here.